Meat for sex?
Not that this should be any surprise to any monkey lover out there. Bonobo monkey society is a matriarchal society where the females regularly exchange sex for food and services from the male bonobos. In the end everybody gets what they want. If only it were so clear cut for humans.
I'd like to see an experiement where they teach chimps to use a common currency and then have to place values on items of their desire. How much would sex cost in chimp society?
"Our results strongly suggest that wild chimpanzees exchange meat for sex, and do so on a long-term basis," Cristina Gomes of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany said in a statement.For chimps, can dy is dandy but steak is quicker | Oddly Enough | Reuters
"Males who shared meat with females doubled their mating success, whereas females, who had difficulty obtaining meat on their own, increased their caloric intake without suffering the energetic costs and potential risk of injury related to hunting."
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