Digital Mind

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A short stop by Covent Garden

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Borat causes international furor

Do you know how difficult it is to try and write something when you have a picture of a nearly nude man wearing only a lime green piece of dental floss on your screen? So the upshot is that the Khazikstan is genuinely pissed off that Borat is running around kissing his sister and talking of putting women in cages and all sorts of other thing that we all know are true. Khazikstan, get over it already. You can't beat Borat.

Bush to hold talks on Ali G creator after diplomatic row | the Daily Mail

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iTunes I hate you!

Now... those of you who have discusses media players with me know I fucking hate iTunes. That being said I was ready to give iTunes 7 a big bowl of love after hearing that it had integrated the CD artwork view. I eagerly downloaded iTunes 7. I rebooted and itunes 7 started up no problem upon entering the OS. I was slightly disappointed after I told it to search for artwork. I'm a fan of electronic music and electronic music is notoriously difficult to track down cover art for. Didn't really find any new cover art, but I'm alright with that. It's what I expected.

I noticed that it seemed to take awhile for iTunes to launch. I've tried about 5 times now and conservative estimate would have iTunes on PC taking 2 to 3x as long to load as Media Player 11 beta 2.

I like the cover art view. It's a good feature and one that makes me happy. I would be happier still if I could figure out how to make iTunes not group my albums by artist and instead by um... ALBUM. See attached picture. If anyone knows how to do this I would be most appreciative.

My final beef with iTunes 7 is this... it doesn't fucking run on my Mac anymore. Maybe it's some sort of weird time bomb thing where you only get one use and that's it. Whenever I try to launch I now recieve a message telling me I don't have enough memory. Perhaps I should check the minimum system requirements and see if iTunes requires more than 2GB of RAM now.

Fuck off iTunes!

For more iTunes playa hatin check this out:

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How f*ing cute is this?

Cute Overload! ;)

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Eating natural foods will kill you

You would think this story is from The Onion, but no it's from the Independent. I'm pretty sure it was written from a sugar company lobbyist though.

Mad honey disease is among the rarest afflictions in the world, but it appears to be on the increase.

The trend towards eating more natural products may be driving a rise incases of the disease, whose symptoms can include convulsions, low bloodpressure, fainting and temporary heart problems, according to a newreport.

"Mad honey disease has the potential to cause death if untreated," say the researchers. "Because of the increasing preference for naturalproducts, intoxication induced by consumption of honey will increase inthe future."

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical

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Shock study findings: Teenagers are selfish

More and more research is finding that teenagers' brains function differently than adults. I guess we all really knew that anyway, but it's nice to have some science to back it up. Adults beware, your child just got another reason to think only of themselves.
Teenagers are more selfish than adults because they use a different part of their brain to make decisions compared to adults, new research suggests.

The work has implications for the types of responsibility given toadolescents, Blakemore says: “Teenager’s brains are a work in progressand profoundly different from adults. If you’re making decisions abouthow to treat teenagers in terms of the law, you need to take this newresearch into account.”

Why adolescents put themselves first - being-human - 08 September 2006 - New Scientist

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Premature no more

You know, I'm a little tired of all this medication aimed at men concerning sexual performance. Maybe women just expect too much.
The first medication tailor-made to treat premature ejaculation has proven successful in trials, researchers report.

After 12 weeks of treatment, the time to ejaculation was 1.8 minutes for placebo, 2.8 minutes for 30 mg of dapoxetine, and 3.3 minutes for the 60 mg dose.

“Dapoxetine also improved patient’s perceptions of control over ejaculation, satisfaction with sexual intercourse, and overall impression of change in condition,”

Drug to tackle premature ejaculation does the trick - sex - 08 September 2006 - New Scientist

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Report finds no evidence of al-Qaeda & Iraq link

Is there any surprise at all that the evidence mounts that Bush basically waged an illegal war in Iraq in the name of fighting terrorism? Does ANYONE really doubt this?

The finding is contained in a 2005 CIA report released by the Senate's Intelligence Committee on Friday.
US President George W Bush has said that the presence of late al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a link.
Opposition Democrats say the report has harmed Mr Bush's case for going to war.
The BBC's Justin Webb in Washington says that the US president has again and again tried to connect the war in Iraq, which most Americans think was a mistake, with the so-called war on terror, which has the support of the nation.

BBC NEWS | Americas | 'No Saddam link to Iraq al-Qaeda'

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Follow the White Rabbit

Flickr Photo Download: 20060903_999_3.jpg

Back from Burning Man and integrating into the real world again. For all my Burning Man 2006 pics you can check out my Flickr set | link

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Would you like fries with that?

Just an ordinary day in Malaysia with a Python eating a pregnant sheep and then not being able to move from the middle of a road.

Can a python bite off more than it can chew? Ewe bet | The Daily Telegraph

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Challenge of the SouthParkFriends

Monday, September 04, 2006

Climate change evidence continues to mount

I can only hope politicians start working on how to limit the affect we may be having on the environment. Sigh.
Carbon dioxide levels are substantially higher now than at anytime in the last 800,000 years, the latest study of ice drilled out of Antarctica confirms.
The in-depth analysis of air bubbles trapped in a 3.2km-long core of frozen snow shows current greenhouse gas concentrations are unprecedented.
The East Antarctic core is the longest, deepest ice column yet extracted.
Project scientists say its contents indicate humans could be bringing about dangerous climate changes.

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Deep ice tells long climate story

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