Ouch - Sony takes it in the shorts over PS3
It's odd reading something like this as Sony is now the parent company of my employer. It's hard when you work for Xbox for years to turn around and start rooting for the enemy... even when the enemy is now yourself. So it is with some glee and trepidation that I read the news below.
Man, Sony can't seem to catch a break these days. Just as they're beginning the Tokyo Game Show hype by releasing a list of games to be shown, the news out of Japan is that their stock has dropped 3.1% after Mitsubishi UFJ, a brokerage firm, lowered their rating on the company. Worse for gamers is the reason why:
Mitsubishi UFJ Securities lowered its rating on Sony to "3" from "2" and slashed by half its estimate on PS3 sales for the current business year ending March 31 to 3 million units, citing difficulties in procuring enough cutting-edge parts.